1. Should I be a KSEA member to apply for the scholarship?

-> Yes. In order to apply for the KSEA scholarship, you must be a KSEA member with an active membership. The membership fee for undergraduates is free, for Graduates is $15.00, and for postdoc fellowships is $35.00.

Here is the instruction on how to become a member with active membership.


 6. click on “Membership Information” and complete the transaction

 7. done!

 If you would like to renew/check the membership, please follow the steps:

This is the tutorial video for the members who never logged in to our new website (only for steps 1-7): https://youtu.be/ZvWfNzowK8s

2. Where can I find the instructions and topics for the essay?

-> Please click below to find the corresponding information.

Undergraduates: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships/scholarships-for-undergraduates

Graduates: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships/scholarships-for-graduates

Postdoc fellowship: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships/postdoc-fellowship

3. Is there any specific format or requirement for the essay?

-> No. There is no specific format for the essay. Please see the scholarship pages for the essay topics.

Undergraduates: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships/scholarships-for-undergraduates

Graduates: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships-for-graduates/

Postdoc fellowship: https://award.ksea.org/scholarships-for-post-docs/

4. How does the recommendation submission process work?

-> Once recommender's information is included on the application, a link to upload recommendation letters will be automatically sent to the recommenders. Please note that the recommenders' information cannot be changed once added. In case the link to upload the recommendation letter can not be delivered to the recommenders, the letters can be submitted to scholarship@ksea.org via email.

-> Sender’s email address must be the institution’s email such as ending with @institution.edu, not ending with @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, etc.

5. For the recommendation, it says I need two recommendations. Can they be from 2 professors?

-> Yes. At least one letter must be from a college professor which means your academic advisor; the other could be from a professor or a current/former KSEA official such as an Executive Committee member, local professional Chapter President, or a Councilor. Please see the scholarship website https://award.ksea.org.

6. How does the official transcript submission process work?

-> Please contact the school to send the transcript to scholarship@ksea.org. The sender’s email address must be the institution’s email such as ending with @institution.edu, not ending with @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, etc. 

7. I was a recipient two years ago and I was wondering if I could be eligible again.

-> No. Previous recipients of any KSEA scholarship are not eligible. Please check the scholarship website https://award.ksea.org.

8. I will be graduating this year. Am I still eligible for the 2025 KSEA scholarship for undergraduates?

-> Yes. As long as you attend a college as of March 31, 2025 (deadline for application), you are eligible for the undergraduate scholarship.

9. I am majoring in Policy Analysis and Management. However, I am taking all the pre-medical requirement classes and all the basic science classes and am currently researching in a Nutritional Sciences lab on International Nutrition to become a medical doctor. Am I eligible for the Scholarship?

-> Yes. As long as you take all the Pre-Med requirements to become a medical doctor, you may apply for the Scholarship with the Pre-Med Major

10. Is there any specific format or requirement for CV?